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Miss Alice由真正學院出身,畢業自中文大學藝術系,亦拜名師深造水墨。無論想學廣告彩、漫畫、素描、油畫、水墨、工筆、書法、手工等,由兒童至DSE視藝科,Miss Alice均有涉獵,毋須頻繁報班或轉換老師。具有多年私人、畫室及學校經驗,絕對收費公道,令您學有成。

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An accredited Cambridge IELTS examiner, former teacher of St. Stephen's College (Stanley), Gppd Hope Convent School and PLK CKY (IB World) School
M教學進修 / 語言課程Mrs Cecilia EAGLES
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